A person sacrifices his/her health to make money.  Then they sacrifice money to recuperate their health.  They become so anxious about the future that they do not enjoy the present; the result being that they do not live in the present or the future; they live as they are never going to die, only to die never really lived.  Dalai Lama

So when I’m asked what I do?

The answer is simple!  I help you take care of the future so you don’t have worry, thus allowing you to live for today and tomorrow. I help you succeed!


According to the Dalai Lama, “a person sacrifices their health to make money”.  So what if I told you I can help you protect your money so you don’t have to sacrifice your health.

When creating our wealth we are often confronted with the risk of not accumulating enough for our future.  During the accumulation phase of life (accumulation phase –  is when we earn money) it is critical that we save for the future, so we can continue to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle into retirement. Our lifestyle ambitions requires us to earn our dreams.  In some cases we tend live beyond our earning potential.  Saving for retirement is often complicated, difficult and a time-consuming task for many.  We often see people delay saving for the future because they want more now.  This is where I can help you succeed.  I work with you to help give you that future so you can live today, within your earning potential, and not worry about tomorrow.  I help make your life simple through planning.


 If I could…

Take the volatility out of the market would you be interested?

Help you protect your assets would you be interested?

Help you protect your earning power would you be interested?

Help you protect your earning potential would you be interested?

If you answered yes, to any of these questions above, it’s time for us to start planning together.  Plan for your future so you can live in the present…let me do what I do best.

I can help you find money that you did not know you were losing willingly or unknowingly by taking the volatility out of the markets.  In doing so I will help you Protect Your Assets through Wills, Health Benefits, Estate planning, and Long Term Care.  I will help you Protect Your Earning Power through Living Benefits.  Finally, I will help you Protect Your Earning Potential with the use of Life Insurance.

This is what I do! I help you plan for the future so you can live in the present. I help you succeed!

So is the Dalai Lama right?  Do we have to sacrifice health for life style?

As long as we do what we love and love what we do!   We know that life is good.  We must enjoy the present as we never know what lies ahead.  So live for today and plan for tomorrow.  If done correctly we will not have to sacrifice our health for lifestyle.

Do you have to sacrifice your money to recoup your health?

In life we are sometimes thrown a curve ball, and our ability to deal with any health issue that comes our way is vital to our recovery.  If planned correctly you will never have to sacrifice the future for the present.  Depending on the health issues you will have a plan in place so that the road to recovery is all that you will have to concern yourself with.

Although the Dali Lama says that people don’t enjoy today because they worry about the past and the future.  I believe that if you plan your personal and families financial security with a vision and purpose you can indeed live worry free to enjoy today.

Unfortunately, we all will die at some point, as it is the cycle life we know.  Live life, enjoy your present and future.

The purpose of our life is to be happy.  Dali Lama

Start planning today and be happy tomorrow.

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If interested contact me  @ http://www.henleyfinancial.ca

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